Saturday, January 5, 2008


Vacation is over and now school is in session, that is if you live in the US since I dunno about other countries.
School can be annoying and is, but the reality is that people have to deal with it until their late teens.
However, people who go to school should be grateful that they get an education since many people in the world are uneducated.
Now getting to the point, homework stinks, especially when you have to stay up on the weekends to finish it, which was what i was doing until I typed this post. I suggest playing songs, or taking breaks every 30 minutes to an hour. Hopefully you'll finish it all so you can relax tomorrow.
BTW: I'm doing a project for school that involves researching the country and cooking a dish associated with the country, and that's why the flag is there). I picked Austria since I'm from there (it's not a big part of my genetic makeup though), and I'm making sacher torte. Yep, chocolate cake. Haha.

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